If you're curious about how energy healing works, first I need to explain what energy is in connection to the human body. I'll also explain how disharmony shows up, not just in our physical body, but our life.
What is energy and the energetic field?
Did you know you have an energy field in and around you? We have an energetic 'body' that surrounds and extends into the physical body. We are made up entirely of energy.
Different cultures call this energy field different things and work with it in different ways. For example, you might be familiar with Chi if you've ever had acupuncture, or in early Hinduism and Buddhism they talk about Chakras (energy centres) which you might have heard about in Yoga class. In physics, there is the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.
How does energy work in connection to our bodies?
Knowing that energy can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another is important to know. Everything we interact with is also energy, from the other people we interact with to the food we eat.
Energy is also the thoughts and emotions we have, which were likely created out of the life experiences we've had. So if that energy of anger can't be destroyed, it can only be transformed into something else, or stay stuck as anger in the body.
Energy in harmony or disharmony?
When things are flowing smoothly, connected, and operating together they are in harmony. Think of a stream running from the top of a mountain and heading out into the ocean. It has flow, but along the way there will be fallen trees and rock beds disrupting that easy flow.
These mini interruptions are not a problem to the river, which will reshape itself and shift direction to keep moving toward the ocean. It's when these fallen trees or rock beds build-up so much that the flow is disrupted. We have a river that stagnates and is unable to operate as it should.
What causes disharmony in humans?
Like the fallen trees or rock beds that build up in the river, it's whatever we build up in our world and don't allow to flow through or process that becomes stuck and creates that stagnation. Anger, sadness, grief, and regret are not a problem, they aren't even 'bad' emotions, even though that's how we label them as a society. They are signals that there is something to be dealt with.
Anger might show us that a boundary has been overstepped and we need to address it. Regret tells us that we'd like to act differently in the future.
The key is to feel the emotion, allow it, and take notice of what the emotion is trying to tell us. When we don't it gets stuck. These emotions, which are energy, become stuck energy.
Another example might be an ex-partner and all the memories surrounding the relationship. Those memories are energy too, they are made up of thoughts and feelings. They may be difficult to process, but if they aren't, they are stored and also become stuck energy.
When we experience disease (the word meaning a lack of ease) in the body, this is showing us that there is a lack of ease, a lack of flow in the body.
The symptoms in the body are not what need healing
In Western medicine, we mistake the symptoms the body is showing us as the answer to the question, 'why don't I feel well'?
But the physical body is just the thing we sit up and pay attention to. So it's showing us symptoms, but shouldn't be mistaken as the root cause.
We need to dig deeper. Here's an example:
If someone has a headache, we can often even think we've found the solution in the neck
When we dig deeper we might locate that it started in the back.
If we dig deeper we might find that person is sitting at the desk for far too many hours a day and causing this issue in the back.
So we could stop here, thinking we've found our root cause and bring some harmony back in the physical body by dealing with this. We've dug a little deeper already and got to a root cause created by the physical body, but what happens when we dig even deeper?
When we dig deeper we understand there is a feeling that this person needs to work constantly to be successful, so this is why they sit on that chair all day.
When we dig deeper we understand this belief was created through repetitive thoughts fed to them by their father about work, success and life.
So yes, we can treat a physical symptom in the body like a headache with Panadol, massage, better posture even. But we must also understand the root cause of that symptom to truly heal it. This is what energy healing can do.
What about disharmony in our life?
Energy is all things. So in the same way we can trace a symptom of the physical body, we can also trace the physical symptoms of life. Meaning, if we have a goal and can't understand why it's not happening, we can start to look for those blocks in the flow to see what they might be. Here's an example:
Someone wants a promotion, but they keep seeing their colleagues get promoted and not them
When we look into this intuitively we might see that they don't speak up in meetings or volunteer for presentations
When we dig a little deeper we see there is fear around being seen
When we dig a little deeper, we see this fear stemmed from high school. There was an incident where this person was laughed at in front of the class.
This incident is a memory, created and held by thoughts and feelings (both energy). This becomes stored energy, stored pain in the body and energy field. It also shapes this person's belief system and keeps them stuck.
When they can pull this memory, this stuck energy, to the surface through acknowledgement, feeling and processing - it becomes unstuck. It, like the fallen tree in the river, is removed the river can move freely.
How does energy healing work remotely?
Lots of people ask how energy healing works without touching the body, or even being in the same room as a person. It's a great question.
Well as it's dealing with the energetic body, there is no need.
It's through healing of the energetic body that the physical body is healed. There are certain modalities out there that energy healers will use to label the energy healing methodology they use e.g. Reiki might be one you are familiar with.
I don't have a label for my modalaty I was born with the ability to see, hear, feel and know things others couldn't.
Information comes to me through my mind's eye, through hearing, or feeling things in my body. This information tells the story of the energy. Where there are blocks, where the river isn't flowing and what needs attention.
So when someone comes to me with physical symptoms like a headache, fertility issues, anxiety, or an unattained goal like a promotion, a partner, or difficulties in their relationship - I will do that digging that I explained earlier.
I'll read the energy to get to the root cause, and then clear that energy through the session or giving the client actions to take.
I will pull in some other modalaties as needed, that sit under the heading energy healing, such as Bengston Energy Healing, Past Life Healing, Shamanic Healing. These too are all done remotely using my mind's eye.
Got questions about energy healing and whether it can help you? Contact me here.
You can book an Energy Healing for Fertility and Pregnancy here.
If you'd like more info, watch this video below: